Has also written a translation of the same.Sadasiva Brahmendra of Nerur, Avadhutha par Excellence! Translated Ātma-bōdha into in verse-form. An English translation and commentary of 1944 by Swami was published in India in June, 1947. J.F.Kearns, along with English commentary and titled - Atma Bodha Prakashika, was published in the May, 1876 issue of The Indian Antiquary (pages 125-133). Taylor was published in 1812 titled - The Knowledge of Spirit, later another translation rendered by Rev. The first translation of Ātma-bōdha into English language from Sanskrit by J. Atmabodha, 66-68, Commentaries and translations Nikhilananda states that Shankara's Vedic non-dualistic ( ) philosophy is based on the divinity of the soul, the unity of existence, the Oneness of the Godhead. As in, Shankara teaches that the Ultimate Reality or, the foundation of all, is beyond name and form, is of the nature of Pure Consciousness, but who can be realized by pursuing the Path of Knowledge, not by worship. Contents The original text consists of sixty-eight verses and describes the way to the attainment of the knowledge of the Atman. Even though the authenticity of this work is doubted by present day scholars, it does not contradict the system which it advocates. Authorship The authorship of Ātma-bōdha, written in Sanskrit language, is traditionally ascribed to who is believed to have lived in the 8th century A.D. Etymology Atmabodha means 'Self-knowledge', self-awareness, or one with the 'possession of a knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit'.1 ATMA BODHA (A Treatise on the knowledge of Atma) by SRI ADI SANKARACHARYA Text in Roman Script with English translation and Commentary by A.S.DEEKSHITULU. Load more similar PDF files Most Popular. A great PDF writer utility! Sri devi bhagavatam in telugu. AA14 Ashtavakra Gita Swami Chinmayananda 12.00 AA15 Atma Bodha Swami Chinmayananda 5.00.Hare would be greatly appreciated if Gita can be made available to us in ashtavakra gita in tamil pdf lacks in graphics it more than makes up ashtavakra gita in.